Debate Night

Wednesday night was Candidates’ Forum. It’s a cross between a town hall and a debate between the candidates for different positions.

Candidates explain why they want to run and anyone in the community can ask them questions.

This is a fairly sizable round of elections. We have almost forty candidates for six different positions.

The most candidates are running for member at large. We have 11 people running for six slots.

I occasionally complain about Candidates’ Forum. Getting that many people in a room is a logistical nightmare, and it can go on for a while, but I really do love it.

It’s self-governance at it’s most basic. It’s about people coming together to figure out who will represent them, and what those representatives believe in.

It sounds cheesy and it probably is. But I’ve never missed a Candidates’ Forum. I’ve been to all three of them each year since my freshmen year, and I’ve enjoyed all of them.

Anyway, posting has been light this week. Elections take over my life.